Prof. Fenton Johnson Zoom meeting

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Purpose of Meeting

Greetings, Frostburg librarians,

I'm an author and University of Arizona emeritus professor whose driving from my home in New York to Kentucky for the holidays. Tuesday, Dec 19 I'll be staying overnight in Frostburg. Cambridge Forum / WGBH-Boston public television has asked me to participate in a Zoom forum to be held Tuesday 5:00 to 6:00 pm.

My hotel will have wireless but I'm concerned about the strength of the signal there. I'm hoping I can reserve the Frostburg Library study room, arriving at 4:30 pm to set up and departing around 6:15 pm. I understand if reservations are limited to library card holders, but I thought I'd check.

You may find out more information about me at my webpage Thank you for any help you may provide.

Fenton Johnson
Emeritus Professor, University of Arizona
415 235 7898