Each session will be uninstructed and an hour in length and will take place virtually. Participants will be presented with a series of images featuring fully-clothed models. Artists will warm up with quick gesture drawings, then ease into longer poses. Participants may take part from any location, using their own computers and drawing materials. The virtual figure drawing sessions are free of charge, but require advance registration. To register, email acline@alleganycountylibrary.info, call 301-777-1200, or visit alleganycountylibrary.info, or register on this page.
This is a partnership with the Allegany Arts Council, who will be hosting Life Drawing: A Studio Experience.
The Allegany Arts Council will host in-person, monthly Life Drawing Sessions on the second Tuesday of each month, from 1:00PM-3:00PM.
The life drawing sessions will be uninstructed, and each will feature a single, nude male or female model. The first hour of each session will focus on short poses, followed by two 30-minute poses in the second hour. Easels will be provided, but artists should bring their own materials. The sessions are free for Allegany Arts Council members; $15 for non-members. Each session will be limited to 10 participants and pre-registration is required. To register, email art@alleganyarts.org or call 301-777-2787